Earlier in the year I was able to visit my sponsor child, Amala, at Heal Village near Guntur in Andhra Pradesh. It was a joyful occasion to see what a fine young woman she had become through the love and care she received at Heal. Today I received the photographs of Amala’s wedding – so one chapter in her life has ended and a new one begins.
HEAL (Health and Education for All) ensures that all of their children are looked after through their education and into jobs or marriage. It is a wonderful charity – especially as it takes care not to waste money so that almost all of the contributions directly impact on the children’s day-to-day lives.
Now that Amala has a family to be part of, outside of HEAL, I will be sponsoring another of HEAL’s many children; I’ve seen the huge difference this makes in turning lives around in such a poor area. Almost all of the children are orphaned and destitute before coming into HEAL’s care.
All the very best to Amala and her new husband. I hope they will be very happy together.